Monday, March 9, 2015

CS Stanley

        CS Stanley is from Indianapolis, Indiana. He is a contemporary artist that is well known for his pop culture and political artworks. He mainly produces stencil art with a combination of brushwork, spray paint and airbrush.  His political artworks have strong messages behind them, with use of little color. I like how the colors are bland in order to keep the focus on the important message Stanley wants to express. I chose CS Stanley and these specific pictures because I personally disagree with Stanley’s political views and the way he is depicting them. He is portraying cops as pig like, racist and criminals. I believe cops are heroes and protect us and just because one may not fit that criteria does not mean the whole police force should be depicted in a negative way. The one that stands out the most to me is the picture with the pig. It shows a helicopter propeller carrying a pig with a police harness on it. This is because people relate cops to being pigs, which I disagree strongly with.
         His pop imagery caught my eye as well, but in a more positive way.  His form and use of bright colors show highlights and shadows. The works are very realistic for comic illustrations. He also changes his use of composition based on the subject matter. When looking at the Joker and Wolverine, one's eyes do not just focus on one part of the work. When looking at the Joker, one's eyes move around the whole picture, looking at every detail that is given. The Wolverine has the same effect, taking in the features of the actual character and the background also. When looking at Superman one's eyes are drawn to the bottom of the page. There is barely any composition in this photo. The background is plain and colorless so the only place the eyes can focus on is the actual character.  

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